Lets Start: The Writer's Block

From September 2017 was not able to complete poems, essays, prose, abstracts and short stories. After so many drafts in Ipod Notes and Google Docs, was able to complete this piece in one shot.

This one is dedicated to Writer's Block. It walks through a way to take it positively if someone really goes through it.
Here it goes,

The Writer's Block

Two and half years past by
Ink of mightiest sword is dry
Last torn paper of fifth diary
Gives proof of the failed try

Forty Seven Topics Thought Off
None transpired into its Full Form
Where the hell did it Botched Off
Not even matched pace of Earthworm

Eight hours it took
To write something soulful
But mind is crook
Doubts anything is meaningful

Let's read the best work
Of yours and your mentors
Seriously that adds fuel
Reminder! still missing metaphors

Rhymes are inconsistent
Structuring is haywire
Flow is tossed
References are mugged
Figures of speech
Hidden in abyss!

It will come out one day for sure,
It has to come out indeed,
What form?
A poem, a phrase, a essay,
Anything will do give it a try!
Damn adding onto the 
Forty Eight Failed Attempt
Or wait is this the one!

The lines are scribbled 
On the last torn page
And even if it takes
Umpteenth torn Page 
Of Umpteenth Diary

The Battle will be last won
By the nerved, persevere and stubborn
Flame, kept ignited from the Splinter
With the Writer's Block!!! - NothingD This has just started now. There are lots of drafts to be completed and shared. And for sure new ones to be written. P.S. : Mention of The Writer's Block in itself is a Figures Of Speech of Reader's Choice


  1. 1.Ur Rhymes are in consistent.
    2.Ur Structuring is in Control.
    3.Flow is tossed, but Ur guess will be Correct.
    4.References are mugged, U will choose the best.
    5.Figures of speech and express the thoughts.
    6.So, Don’t Hide.

    It’s Worth to put these 40 Lines in multiple times.

    Thanks to U and Our enemy Corona as well ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Nice comment na ??
    Just impressed by Ur poetry.

  2. Very powerful expressions and fierce imagery! Yes the pen is the your mightiest weapon and the sword doesn't even compare!
    As an honest friend, I did notice some tense and punctuation related mistakes that appeared to my terribly critical eye - apologies for that! The intention though, more than transcended and really blinded my critical eye to these syntactic conventions right in the first read and struck a chord to feel that block and even more so to break it with the might of your mighty weapon!!
    You write mighty well and I hope this block was only to unblock a hidden treasure!!
    You may not have won the battle, but you certainly will win the war, my mighty friend!
    Keep it up and like Praveen said - please don't hide!!


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