Marathi Bliss: Aathavanincha Saatha

This poem is a metaphor to some of the collective instances that we recollect when we connect the dots in our life. It is for the city dwellers who leave their hometown and get settled in an alien environment for their careers. And after a certain time sought of lose connect with their roots. This is the first poem recited by me at my first ever 'Twin City Poetry Club' Huddle back in 2016.

Brief Mention Of Twin City Poetry Club, we are all poetry family. If I had not been member of Twin City Poetry Club than I would have not got confidence in my writing. The learnings from their timely events are one of the reason for continuous improvement in my writing.
More Information About Twin City Poetry Club:

Coming back to the poem, it is a Marathi poem and English Translation for the same is also provided. Happy Reading!

आठवणींच्या वनात ओढत गेलो
स्वतःला त्यात विसरून आलो…….

ती सोनेरी पहाट, त्यात पक्ष्यांचा किलबिलाट
तोः सकाळचा श्वास, त्याचा मंध घम घमाट
विसरलेले सारे सामोरी आले
डोळ्यात आनंदाचे पांझर फुटले

आठवणींच्या वनात ………….

ती गोड माया, त्यात मोठी दया
तोः आनंदाचा लळा, जो सगळ्यांना हवा
वाटलेले तैसे नाही झाले
मनात कोठे डांबून बसले

आठवणींच्या वनात ………….

ती सुंदर सांज, त्यात पतंगांची लाट
तो: भर भरता वारा, त्याचा अंदाज आवारा
वाहून गेलेले सारे काही सापडले
त्यातच मला आपले सुख लाभले

आठवणींच्या वनात ……………….

ती आईंची सावली, त्यात मिळे समृद्धी
तो बाबांचा बोट, त्याचा शिक्षेचा घोट
त्यांच्या कष्टांचे यश मला मिळाले
ते उपभोगायला कोणीच नाही उरले

आठवणींच्या वनात ओढत गेलो
स्वतःला त्यात विसरून गेलो…………
विसरून गेलो …………

English Translation:

Drifting past memories forest
Forgot myself at crest…….

Golden mornings with birds chirping
Fresh breeze with gentle swirling
Noticing overlooked recollected holograms
Moist eyes feeling happy and calm

Drifting past memories forest…….

Small town’s sweet and humble gestures
Everyone wants bond with resultant pleasures
Things didn’t turn out as expected
Deep inside heart guilt resides concealed

Drifting past memories forest…….

Beautiful evenings with waves of kites
Wind gushing with its nonchalant sprite
Discovered all things that passed by
Content and resting with satisfied sigh

Drifting past memories forest…….

Mother’s shelter providing prosperity
Father’s questions teaching reality
Have received their success now
But no affectionate around to vow

Drifting past memories Forest
Forgot myself in its perplex…….

1. This poem was initially published on following blog by me:
The poem has been modified further now.

2. The recitation of the poem is available on Twin City Poetry Club's podcast:

3. Hope the blogs are good, if yes than please share and subscribe. Thanks!


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