
Marathi Bliss: Toh Chehra

Cover Image By: *House Of Brushes ( ) Original Instagram Post: Finally  a timely Marathi Bliss, I was stuck on how to end this poem and structure it. It was more of a mental block. Too much of over-thinking I must admit. But anyways, देर आएं दुरुस्त आएं |  No abstract for the poem. मन में आया लिखदिया | From the Hindi lines it is pretty much clear, this post will have the मराठी poem as well as हिन्दी translation, Do read it full!!! //====================================================================// मराठी: तो चेहरा !!! आठवतोय का हो  आपल्या काळजात  कायमचे घर करून ठेवलेला  डोळे मिटल्यावर  पहिल्याच शनी दिसणारा  तो चेहरा  तो चेहरा  जो नः पाहता बालपणीचा एकही  दिवस जात नाही  आपलं सुख, आपलं दुःख  ज्याच्या डोळ्या मध्ये दिसतं  आपल्या सर्व चुका माफ करतो  तसाच पश्चात्ताप पण स्वतः करतो  आपण जेवलो की नाही  ह्याची काळजी घेतो  देवाची मूर्ती नसेल तर  आपण ज्याच्या पाया पडतो  तो

Short Story Time: SP Road's Kadi Samosa

07-MAR-2019 was a again a awesome day awesome experience!!! At 9.30 am, I woke up from a power nap. Had a call early morning, at around 4 am with US team members to find solution for a problem. (Even though I had realized that no one cares of such efforts, its just that the passion for what I do kept me driving) I freshened up, checked time 9:45 am. Bad time to start for office (Bengaluru Traffic, God Bless!). I opened my office laptop set Work From Home status. Went through mails, replied back to important ones. Started listing out the tasks for the day. And realized I will have free time in afternoon as there will be work again in night. Remembered about the SP Road Visit Plan. *(SP Road in Bengaluru is a electronics goods and components market. I had to visit in order to find a particular part that one of my office colleague required for his hobby project. I also wanted to visit the market to tick of my bucket list of visiting Electronics market of the city I reside or may reside in

Lets Start: The Blinded Darkness

The idea for writing this came, when I was travelling in a train from Mumbai to Hyderabad. When the train was approaching Khandala Ghats, the lights of bogie went off. Same time train started passing the through tunnel. Gosh! it was complete darkness. Was not able to view anything for few seconds until everyone used their mobile flashlights. I made note of it in my iPod, and typed few lines but was neither able to complete or structure the note. But few months later, when me and my friends went to Dialogue In The Dark (Its a restaurant wherein there is complete Darkness. We are guided to the table and served food by attendants, and all the attendants are blind). After the experience inside the restaurant, I recollected the moment of Darkness Note. And instinctively completed it, when I was sitting with my friends in the open air dining area of the mall.  This is a try to depict how perspective of Darkness changes when we think of it as a person with vision and a person who is blind! He

Perspective: Constructive "Jenga"

Most of us are aware of Jenga-Wood Block Game! It is a fun game to play. My current firm has unknowingly inculcated a constructive habit of making innovative structures with the Jenga blocks. Have Observed, at our work place or at our home we all tend to take 5-15 minutes of breaks as a breather. Generally we hear music, watch trending videos, go through social media posts, talk with colleagues, take a coffee (chai-sutta) break, have a phone call with friends or simply sit idle. Everyone has their own suitable way of taking their breathers. The habit that I got into at office is to make structures using the Jenga Blocks, a thanks from heart to office management for keeping the Jenga Block accessible to all. Sometimes the structure comes out the way I want, sometimes it does not and sometimes it simply falls down. Best is when a colleague joins in, adds his own ideas and starts to make a structure himself. Week in week out this goes on. Now have even got a Jenga set for home.

Marathi Bliss: Aathavanincha Saatha

This poem is a metaphor to some of the collective instances that we recollect when we connect the dots in our life. It is for the city dwellers who leave their hometown and get settled in an alien environment for their careers. And after a certain time sought of lose connect with their roots. This is the first poem recited by me at my first ever 'Twin City Poetry Club' Huddle back in 2016. Brief Mention Of Twin City Poetry Club, we are all poetry family. If I had not been member of Twin City Poetry Club than I would have not got confidence in my writing. The learnings from their timely events are one of the reason for continuous improvement in my writing. More Information About Twin City Poetry Club: Coming back to the poem, it is a Marathi poem and English Translation for the same is also provided. Happy Reading! आठवणींच्या वनात ओढत गेलो स्वतःला त्यात विसरून आलो …… . ती सोनेरी पहाट , त्यात पक्ष्यांचा

Short Story Time: Tale Of A Chocolate Mousse Cake

From my iPod Note, Dated back to 18-AUG-2018 (Please do read it till the end, Thanks !!!) A sweet tale of Chocolate Mousse! 18th August 2018 was again a awesome day awesome experience. In the morning around 11.00 am Shivam, Shubham, Vansh and myself met, w e gathered in Shivam and Shubham's PG room. Talking endlessly about CDAC Pune memories and the years that passed by. While remembering our Pune days the reference came of 'Chocolate Mousse' we had at a Parsi Baba’s Bakery located near MG road, Pune. Came to know about the place courtesy my friend Shabbir (Team Aerosouls for life, Bro Milte hai kabhi).  And thus 'Chocolate Mousse' remained in back of the mind, "Aaj Chocolate Mousse Khana hai :)".  The day went really fast and eventful, we all had a crazy meal together at a place called Café Petu. The name justified our appetite. Then played Cricket (Thanks Lakshya for arranging Bat and Ball). After playing cricket, we wat

Lets Start: The Writer's Block

From September 2017 was not able to complete poems, essays, prose, abstracts and short stories. After so many drafts in Ipod Notes and Google Docs, was able to complete this piece in one shot. This one is dedicated to Writer's Block. It walks through a way to take it positively if someone really goes through it. Here it goes, The Writer's Block Two and half years past by Ink of mightiest sword is dry Last torn paper of fifth diary Gives proof of the failed try Forty Seven Topics Thought Off None transpired into its Full Form Where the hell did it Botched Off Not even matched pace of Earthworm Eight hours it took To write something soulful But mind is crook Doubts anything is meaningful Let's read the best work Of yours and your mentors Seriously that adds fuel Reminder! still missing metaphors Rhymes are inconsistent Structuring is haywire Flow is tossed References are mugged Figures of speech Hidden in abyss!